GitLab Prometheus metrics GitLab

Teams can only achieve continuous deployment once continuous delivery is already in place. Review Apps allow the user to visualize what features will go into production. Using Review Apps, stakeholders can verify the updates to the application before the changes are merged to the main line. Review Apps help increase code quality reducing the risk of unexpected production outages. GitLab users can track issues and merge requests using milestones, which also help with setting time-bound goals.

Something as simple as rolling back to the last known config was an exercise in futility. CI/CD pipelines during this time were prone to breaking, lacked visibility, and were difficult to change. Tune in below to see GitLab’s continuous delivery solution in action.

Reduce how often jobs run

Alternatively, you can use a monitoring tool that can execute scripts, like
check_gitlab for example. Instead of just focusing on building great software, organizations have to also maintain and manage a complicated toolchain. GitLab is a single application for the entire DevSecOps lifecycle, meaning we fulfill all the fundamentals for CI/CD in one environment. These client metrics are meant to complement Redis server metrics. These metrics all have a storage label which indicates the Redis

  • Visit to learn more about our monitoring capabilities and CI/CD runner services.
  • Milestones can be used as Agile sprints and releases, and allow you to organize issues and merge requests into a one group, with an optional start date and an optional due date.
  • GitLab DAG pipelines differ from other CI/CD DAG solutions because they don’t require choosing between traditional or DAG-based operations.
  • Further down the dashboard, we help you monitor pipeline activity with metrics on job activations, pipelines created, pipeline build created, and build trace operations.
  • “Too many Redis client exceptions during the requests to Redis instance cache.”

Defining deployment pipelines through source code such as Git, is known as pipeline as a code. The pipeline as code practice is part of a larger “as code” movement that includes infrastructure as code. Teams can configure builds, tests, and deployment in code that is trackable and stored in a centralized source repository. They can use a declarative YAML approach or a vendor-specific programming language, such as Jenkins and Groovy, but the premise remains the same. The third phase in the journey is continuous deployment, where users can send updates directly to production. Instead of manually triggering deplyments, continuous deployment sends changes to production production auomatically (no human intervention is required).

GitLab by HTTP

GitLab Runner is instrumented with native Prometheus
metrics, which can be exposed via an embedded HTTP server on the /metrics
path. The server – if enabled – can be scraped by the Prometheus monitoring
system or accessed with any other HTTP client. The deployment frequency charts show information about the deployment
frequency to the production environment. The environment must be part of the
production deployment tier
for its deployment information to appear on the graphs. Pipeline statistics are gathered by collecting all available pipelines for the
project, regardless of status.

gitlab pipeline monitoring

From here you can cancel a running pipeline,
retry jobs on a failed pipeline, or delete a pipeline. In general, pipelines are executed automatically and require no intervention once created. However, there are
also times when you can manually interact with a pipeline.

Prometheus Pushgateways – Everything You Need To Know

As a developer, you need to write the automated tests, and the more extensive your test suite, the quicker the product goes to market and the less likely it is to require redeployment. Changes in code activate a notification in the CI/CD pipeline tool, which operates the corresponding pipeline. User-initiated or automatically scheduled workflows or the results of other pipelines may also trigger a pipeline. Automated pipelines can help prevent errors that result from manual processes, allow for rapid product iterations, and provide consistent feedback during the development process. Each step of a CI/CD pipeline is a subset of tasks grouped into pipeline stages, which we discuss in detail further down in this article.

gitlab pipeline monitoring

So, the feature proposal is so a historical view of scheduled pipeline executions. In my case, I had made a typo on the filename and had forgotten to add a dot before it. Compared to email notifications, CatLight saves your time by focusing on the current state,
and not the history of changes. The extension gets activated only if the workspace contains a .gitlab-ci.yml file. For this tutorial, I‘ve used Gauge Visualization to display branch count .

Metrics controlled by a feature flag

At this point, a user can manually deploy the updated application as a canary deployment to the production environment. In doing so, a user ships features to only a portion of the pods fleet and watches their behavior as users visit the temporarily deployed feature. If everything checks out, the next step is to deploy the feature to production. After deploying to production, roll out the Canary deployment to 50% of the production pods. Incremental rollouts lower the risk of production outages and delivers a better user experience and customer satisfaction.

gitlab pipeline monitoring

This plain text log file tracks GitLab actions such as adding a new user, creating a new project or group, and so forth. Each configuration option should be set up as a pipeline environment variable. See the README for a list of the configuration options available along with their default values. The defaults with no additional configuration will run the job every 60 minutes.


In GitLab, you can check the New Relic exporter job output for additional debugging information. Log into New Relic, go to Services – OpenTelemetry, and select the entity. It will have the same name as the project, repo, or branch that you are monitoring. Select the Distributed Traces tab and confirm that you can see a trace for your pipeline. Sometimes it takes a few minutes for the first trace to appear.

gitlab pipeline monitoring

Milestones can be used as Agile sprints and releases, and allow you to organize issues and merge requests into a one group, with an optional start date and an optional due date. Each organization is unique in how they adopt continuous delivery (CD) principles, but the journey to modernize and enhance your software release process can be conducted in phases. In this blog post, we unpack some of the tools companies can use to adopt continuous delivery (CD), and explain how companies can reach continuous delivery in three key stages.

Trigger prototypes for Puma metrics discovery

You can later share the monitoring
settings with the team, so each engineer does not need to configure this individually. Along with that we’ll write a customized exporter using python to create our own metrics. For this tutorial, we’ll fetch the count of existing branches within the project that’s being monitored. During the build phase, engineers share the code they’ve developed via a repository to build a runnable iteration of the product.

best practices leading orgs to release software faster

CatLight is used by leading large and small companies for build monitoring. CatLight will show a notification when the build pipeline starts, succeeds, or fails. For new builds, it will application performance monitoring ci cd provide an estimated completion time, and for failed builds,
it will identify the person who broke it first. Use CatLight to see the current status of important builds and tests.

Continuous Integration

In the example below, an Epic was created for all the UI-related issues in a project. Merge requests (MRs) are created to merge one branch into another. MRs are also where solutions are developed and is a key input to the release planning process. Many small improvements can add up to a large increase in pipeline
efficiency. It’s usually much
faster to download a larger pre-configured image than to use a common image and install
software on it each time.

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